Tell us about yourself, your background and what inspired your upcoming book DEAD, BUT NOT GONE; ARE YOU PART OF THE SOUL-BRIDGE TO GUIDE THEM HOME?
Growing up in the era of “Trixie Belden” books, the long-running series of pre-teen detective adventure stories, I was inspired to explore our neighboring woods honeycombed with caves with my sister and a small group of friends. The caves were old abandoned lead mines high up on the bluffs of the Mississippi River in our Midwestern Iowa town. The portrayal of Trixie’s fearless spirit catalyzed us to form our own “Tom Boy Club Explorers” and approach life like a mystery that was waiting to be solved. As a ten-year-old,” I took “Toby” as my “secret” club name. The name redefined my shy personality and stuck with me, adopted even by the nuns throughout my Catholic education. Taking “dares” and investigating subtle clues fostered my confidence and growing intrigue with the unseen realms, shaping my belief that there was more to life than the “cover story” that the 3D world presents as “reality”. Delving into these realms as a young adult, I processed my experiences through my art, (painting and nature assemblages) as well as writing songs. Telling “my stories” to others was another “art form” that was natural for me. The words of my songs and the experiences I shared resonated with individuals who were searching for the entrance point into their own inner caverns.
“Processing” went to a different level when I began hearing the voice of my “Higher Self and wrote down the guidance in a form called “automatic writing”. I did this privately filling blank books for 5-years before the voice encouraged me to integrate what was coming through by just speaking the words. This coincided with my transition from a public-school Art teacher to a modern day, shamanic, Earth Steward, leading me to create one of the largest, Classical, seven-circuit labyrinths in the United States. Keeper of the Circles; Answering the Call to Wholeness, published in 2005 was accompanied by a CD of 11 of my original songs, bringing me full circle – back to the writing process as a way to share the multidimensional stirrings that had been accumulating like irregularly shaped jigsaw puzzle pieces. The installation of the labyrinth provided the “puzzle board” needed to begin putting the pieces together. Keeper of the Circles is a soul journey into my personal “call” to wholeness, but it speaks to the universal path that every spiritual-seeker must navigate when it is time to “awaken” and step into our unfolding “soul missions”. The Prairie Labyrinth transformed a five-acre field of native grasses into a potent portal, drawing in earthbound spirits who were attempting to crossover to the World of Light. As a self-reflective tool to enhance walking the labyrinth, I created the Chakra Labyrinth Cards (also published in 2005). They combine two of the oldest spiritual traditions: The Seven Chakras and the Labyrinth. As a meditative centering practice, they are designed to identify and release what no longer works in your life, inspire you to receive what you now need and renew yourself in Spirit. I discovered that the embossed Chakra Labyrinth pattern that is included with the cards could be finger-walked and used as a portable portal to assist earthbound spirits. Part of my “soul assignment” was to maintain the earth-based portal of the Prairie Labyrinth while developing my own “Soul Detective” skills to help others, but especially the souls in clearing their baggage to reunite with their Higher Selves in the crossing process.
Another part of the assignment was to bring expanded awareness to the mystery of “Death” by sharing my experiences – making the information available to others. The result is my most recent book, Dead, But Not Gone; Are You Part of the Soul Bridge To Guide Them Home? This book reveals an aspect of the afterlife that is typically not considered, accepted or talked about; that loved ones, ancestors, friends or strangers that have died, may still be here, impacting your life more than you realize. This includes earthbound aspects of yourself from past lives that can impede your own self-realization. My intent is to shed light on their reasons for remaining and provide insight on how to assist them in completing their transition. It is an invitation to be part of the soul-bridge that is forming to clear the old energy from the planet and provide “lift” for the collective Ascension process that is underway. In these unprecedented times of carrying more light, everyday people are beginning to see, sense, hear and feel things from multidimensional levels that they can’t control or easily explain. This includes the awareness of souls who have not crossed over. Assisting them is a valuable service intended for the good of all beings; a service that many will have reason to investigate or become involved in as the planetary vibrations continue to rise.
Projected book release- May/June 2017 Toby Evans has a spiritual consulting practice, SageBrush Exchange, offering therapies for the soul: Akashic Record Readings, Past Life and Life Between Lives Regressions, Energy Medicine and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) sessions and Soul Detective work, assisting individuals with energy attachments and “Soul Crossings”.