ABBEY, by Ron A. Sewell, is one of those books you cannot judge by its cover. From appearances, it would seem to be a drama or a femme fatale, but in fact, it is a global thriller through and through, and full of surprises. Sewell's style reminds me of Tom Clancy. He builds up his characters very well so that one can identify with them, but then he throws in these surprise wrenches just when you wouldn't expect it - and the surprises can be brutal. In a way, the book reads quite realistically. One minute someone is alive, the next they are dead - there is no build up. The overall plot plays out very well, and compels one to read to the very end to find out what really happens. Abbey, one of the main characters, is a young Londoner who has just found out that her biological father, whom she never really knew, and frankly, hated, has passed. From that the story springboards us into a world of cyberjackers who have managed to crack the code on nuclear arsenals, which sends the British authorities into a tailspin trying to figure out how to stop an impending nuclear attack. There's good police action in this story, and the military component reads as if one is right there - realistic. No spoilers - just read the book.
Review by International Writers Inspiring Change
About Ron Sewell

Ron Sewell is a no-nonsense type of person. What you see is what you get. However, he is afraid of heights. He writes Adventure/Thrillers and flash fiction. He regularly contributes to flash fiction sites, and a plethora of his short stories are published. As a taut as an anchor chain, his novels focus on thirty-five years of activity worldwide while serving in Royal Navy. Hence, it is an old-fashioned, carefully constructed piece of writing with the right dose of suspense and unexpected twists. He is best known for his ‘Collector’ series, six books set in exciting locations.
