With a masters in education, and a specialty to teach writing, I've worked for many years on my various books. Some are fiction, and some nonfiction. For me, as an author, I have to see the story, the completed book, in my mind's eye before I can actually sit down and compose it. Drafts are written and rewritten and reviewed and revised, until it feels done.
Stories are everywhere. I started writing when I first learned how to form letters and words. For the last fifteen years I've used the exercise of NANOWRIMO to experiment with new writing projects. Several of my books are the results of this effort.
In addition, my passion is helping others with their writing projects, and have sponsored student publishing workshops for middle and high schoolers to write, revise, edit, design the book content and cover, and produce an anthology. It inspires youngsters to love reading and writing, and all without pressure or criticism.