Steps to order your Feature Book Promotion
Read the Terms & Conditions.
Submit the Order Form. (See special note about Amazon reviews HERE)
Select which service you want by clicking one of the buttons below and proceed to Pay.
ONE Feature Book Promotion ($19.95 tax included). Click FEATURE
TWO Feature Book Promotions ($28.95 tax included). Offer valid till 30 Sept 2024. Note: You can activate the paid service anytime in the future. Click SPECIAL
Great! You did your part!
Now the action starts!
Your book review
We will email you asking that you email us a copy of your book in either of these formats; PDF, Mobi, Word Doc or ePub, which we forward to one of our reviewers. The review will appear and remain at Featured where you can also track visitors to your page; as well as at Barnes &, and (providing your book is listed with those sites).
Posting our book review to Amazon
As detailed in our Terms & Conditions, If you have elected in the Order Form to have our review also appear on you will receive a separate invoice from PayPal for the exact amount of your Kindle book, which you can pay through your PayPal account or using a credit/debit card. This permits the reviewer to purchase your book from Amazon and post their review directly to it, as well as the other sites mentioned in our service details. The reason for this is that Amazon prefers reviews based on verified purchases from their site.
You will be notified by email when your Feature Book Promotion and book review are live.
We look forward to promoting you and your books!
If you have any questions during the delivery process, feel free to contact us. Real people will answer you, not a bot. Go to CONTACT