The adventure continues...
Talon, Encounter: Book 5 in this children's adventure and fantasy series, by award-winning author, Gigi Sedlmayer, ramps up into high action when Matica, a young girl living in a remote Peruvian village, and her incredible friends, a family of Condors, encounter a group of poachers who are determined to capture, or kill, the Condors. Once the action starts, it doesn't stop, as not only Matica and the Condors attempt to expose and stop the poachers from doing more harm, but as the villagers rally up to the cause - and the battle is on. This is a fun read, certainly keeps you on edge at times, but it also carries a nice message about courage and principles - simply doing the right thing when criminal bullies show up and try to destroy the beauty of life and the creatures within. This is a series that you simply enjoy reading. It's written so that children can easily follow the adventures of Matica and her friends.
FINALIST with Book Excellence Award 2018
FINALIST Talon: Encounter, is a winner in the 2018 IAN Book of the Year Awards!
Sole Medalist Winner with New Apple in the Young Adult General Fiction category of Annual Book Award 2017 Book Awards for Excellence in Independent Publishing
4 out of 5 star review by Reader’s Favorite
IT IS WAR – the poachers are back, and they want revenge for losing Talon, as it was described in the first book.
Will they get their revenge? Will they get Talon? Will Matica’s life be in danger too? Or will the villagers help and protect the condors?
Meet Matica in yet a new adventure: WAR! It brings the challenges facing Matica to a new height. As if her predicament – her fate to never grow – were not enough, now she must find the courage, somehow, to resist the attacks of the poaches and protect her beloved Talon.
Between the poachers shooting at the condors, the crows playing their part, and Tamo being shot and injured, Matica goes above and beyond to help her beloved condors.
Action-packed from beginning to end, Talon Encounter will keep you on the edge of your seat.
About Gigi Sedlmayer
Book Excellence Award Finalist 2017, Sole Award Medalist winner with 'New Apple' 2017, Nominee with Global Ebook Award 2017, silver book award with Readers' Favorite
Sigh up for Gigi’s website
Gisela (Gigi) Sedlmayer was born on 19 May 1944 in Potsdam, a suburb of Berlin in Germany.
Her family escaped to the West just before the infamous wall went up. They moved around in Germany until finally settling in Munich where Gigi studied architectural drafting and met Albert in 1965, marrying in December 1967. She worked as a civil drafts person in various private consultancies in Munich.
May 1975, Gigi and her husband moved to New Zealand. Because of language challenges, she started a handicraft business. As a speciality, she made colorful parrots of which she sold thousands in a few years.
May 1989, they became adoptive parents of twin girls from Fiji.
September 1992, they moved to Australia.
November 1993 Gigi was diagnosed with cancer. By the grace of God, she survived and seeing her husband writing the story about the adoption, she started to write short stories for competition since her English became increasingly better.
She entered them in competitions and often got very good reports back, which gave her confidence to go on writing. One day the idea for the TALON series came to her and she spent the next several years bringing the story and the characters to life.
Author website